Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Macs Vs PCs, Pros and Cons

I should start out by saying that I own both a Mac and a PC, though I do prefer one over the other. Still, I own both because there are some things that a Mac will do better, and other things where a PC better serves the role. Since I work on a computer all day, the idea of having both available is more important to me than it might be to you, so I don't suggest that you need to own both. Anyway, here's a list of a few pros and cons about each.

First, let's start off with the pros about owning a Mac. For one, they last longer and they don't slow down like PCs seem to after limited use. Additionally, the Macs are really easy to navigate once you get the swing of things and they don't get infested with viruses and spyware. On the other side of things, they're more expensive and some software simply isn't available on Macs.

As far as PCs go, first off, they're cheaper. Secondly, you'll find that just about every piece of software is available on a PC, and many programs simply can't be run on Macs. Depending on what you need your computer for, the use of a PC may better suit you here. On the other side of things, PCs do tend to get weighed down by viruses and spyware more easily, and every PC I've had has generally slowed down over time. I haven't found this with the Macs.

I'll typically use my Mac to write about holiday car insurance and all forms of holiday insurance.

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